• Fall Events – Mark your calendars for the following dates:
    • 11/25, 1:00-4:00pm, The Grove Friendsgiving. Link below to sign up!
    • 11/26, 12:00pm, Decorate The Grove

**All of these events have been added to the calendar page on church center for you to easily find. https://thegrovesp.churchcenter.com/calendar?view=list

  • Friendsgiving –David, Sam and Miri Sillman would like to invite you and your family to spend “Friendsgiving” with us!  This is a potluck event, so please sign up to bring a dish to pass—whether you’d like to share a cherished family recipe or store-bought rolls are more your thing.
    Feel free to invite someone who could use a holiday get-together, just make sure to RSVP them as well as yourself.There will be a place for the kids to hang out together, as well as some fun things to do before, during, and after the meal for both kids and adults. Last, but not least, we’ve planned a hayrack ride to finish the afternoon, so make sure to bring a warm jacket, and maybe a hat and gloves.Keep your eyes and ears open for anyone who might not be able to celebrate Thanksgiving this year. We want to send you away with some extra food to bless as many people as we can. We hope to see you there! https://grow.withlome.com/a/8521faa3-b2fa-4280-af89-b7701dd966e1
  • Many hands make light work! We need as many volunteers as possible to stay after the service on 11/26 to Decorate The Grove for Christmas. Bring gloves and get ready to fluff trees!

The Grove Church Office: Hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., and we can be reached during those hours at 828/520-1200.

Sunday’s Sermon is live on facebook and YouTube.


Did you know?

Every time you drink coffee at the grove you are supporting missions? Hope Coffee is direct trade coffee that provides safe shelter, clean water and education in Honduras, Mexico and Guatemala. Drink Coffee. Change Lives. See there website here: Hope Coffee