About Us

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Our Mission

At The Grove Church, our mission is to be a family of disciple-making disciples for the glory of God and the good of all people.

Worship: Glorifying God

We were created to be worshippers and all of us worship all the time. Every thought, word, desire and deed involves the ascribing of worth and value—glory. We either worship God or we worship His creation. God alone is worthy of worship.

We are called to glorify God in all that we do (1 Corinthians 10:31). Worship is not just something we do on Sunday mornings. However, our weekly gatherings nurture and fuel a life of worship.

At each gathering on Sunday morning, we remember the gospel by preaching, singing, praying and celebrating the ordinances of baptism and communion. Each of these elements give us an opportunity to receive and respond to our King, Jesus.

Community: A Family

We worship a triune God, who has eternally existed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This means that God is communal. Created to bear the image of God, we are to reflect this reality.

As Christians, we are to have a personal relationship with God. However, this relationship is never meant to be private. As were our baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we are also baptized into a new family (1 Corinthians 12:13). Church is not merely a place we go to but a family that we belong to. This will involve deep, loving relationships that are also caring, consistent and authentic. While this is a radical and lofty calling, the Spirit enables us to be a real family in a culture of individualism.

Home Groups and STEPS are the context in which we at The Grove Church build and cultivate this family. This is not perfect, because these groups are filled with imperfect people. Groups will be messy at time but through time, prayer, effort, patience, love, trust and hope they will begin to reflect the image of God and bring life to the members.

Service: The Good of All People

Jesus gave us an example of service in John 13:1-20 by washing the disciples feet. The King, the Son of God, the Lord Himself, humbled himself to the lowliest of servants and commanded us to do the same.

Serving is a natural overflow in the life of the disciple. In our response to the gospel, we serve in both formal and informal ways. Whether we are greeting others at the doors of the church, volunteering in our Kids Ministry, give financial, bring food to Home Group or open up our home to our neighbors, we serve for the good of all people.

Multiplication: Disciple-Making Disciples

In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus calls His disciples to make disciples. We are called to multiply and advance the Kingdom of God into all the corners of this world.

God has determined the exact time and place in which you live, work and play for His glory (Acts 17:26). God was intentional in directing our lives, so we should live with intentionality in all that we pursue.

We are a member of the Acts 29 church planting network.

Acts 29 is a diverse, global family of church-planting churches.

As a family of church-planting churches we are about one thing: church planting. We exist to encourage, resource, facilitate, support and equip churches to plant churches that will plant church-planting churches!

Why are we so single-minded? Because we believe that the church is God’s primary mission strategy, and so the means by which Jesus is made more famous as communities of light are scattered throughout the world to dispel the darkness.

What gives Acts 29 its distinctive texture is our robust commitment to theological clarity, cultural engagement and missional innovation. If you are an existing church or an individual that shares this vision for church planting, and think we might be able to help you, we would love to connect and see how we can partner together for the fame of the Savior.
